
Historical research on ancient Panionia presented through scientific papers.

The study by the historian and researcher of Asia Minor, Konstantinos Thodis, analyzes the relationship between Homer and Ionia.

Thodis K. On the relationship of Homer and his poems with Ionia.

The attached study by Konstantinos Thodis explains the Panionion in the light of historical, literary sources, and archaeological research.

Thodis K. (2020). The Panionion in the light of historical, literary sources, and archaeological research.

In this study, which is a critique of the book “Writing Homer. A study based on results from modern fieldwork” by Minna Skafte Jensen, the distinguished Gregory Nagy describes a chronological model he created to explain the evolution of the Homeric tradition, divided into five general periods. Read about how the Homeric tradition is connected to the Panionia.


Nagy, Gregory. 2014. “Review of ‘Writing Homer. A Study Based on Results from Modern Fieldwork,’ by Minna Skafte Jensen.” Gnomon 86: 97–101.

In this study, Mary Bachvarova analyzes the Homeric tradition, noting among other things that “the ongoing competition and collaboration among Ionian poets, particularly in the context of the performance of the Iliad and the Odyssey at the Panionia, during the late eighth and seventh centuries, significantly accelerated the evolution of the vocabulary and narrative content of the Iliad and the Odyssey, until they became the highly sophisticated and complex works of art known to us.”

Bachvarova MR. 2016. The history of the Homeric tradition. In: *From Hittite to Homer: The Anatolian Background of Ancient Greek Epic*. Cambridge University Press. 395-417.